Sunday, March 15, 2009

. sweet people from japan .

TuuTud sales girl in Osaka, she was so sweet with me as I tried on hats,
rings and necklaces.

Nice free hugs girls in Harajiuku.

I have no idea what they where selling but they where nice!
Love the outfits! In Shinjuku under a bridge in 5°c weather!!

Freezing maid bar girls in Shinjuku.

Smiling but freezing kimono woman in Kyoto in -2°c weather.

Cosplay girl in Harajiuku, much nicer than the wanna be
badass goth kids that where all around!

It's amazing how many people I met in Japan, all of them more helpful than the other!
I really want to break the stereotype that japanese people don't speak english!
It's so untrue! So many people came to us without even having to ask and helped find our way through the crazy metro stations and all.
It felt 1000 times more welcoming than china. And I really felt like I new the cities after a few steps out!


Anonymous said...

Very cute photos. I love the sales girl style!

WendyB said...

Cute pix. Free hugs is adorable.

@SEBBYWOOD said...

After seeing this, as I guy, I think I'd be tempted to dress as a japenese girl all the time. They look like they have so much fun!